Saturday, March 17, 2012


Well, what a surprise that we DIANA GLASSMAN & ROBERTA just discovered a brand new book on the market called, DIGITAL ASSASSINATION: Protecting Your Reputation, Brand, or Business Against Online Attacks written by Richard Torrenzano.    Need we say more....?????

To quote him, "In the future-which is now-everyone will have their 15 minutes of shame." 

We kinda liked it when everyone had their 15 minutes of fame......

We're headed to his website right now.....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Thoughts On Bullying

Hi all,
I was just reading through the comments that many of you have made and I have to say that it really warms my heart to get all of this support around an issue that has given both of us so much grief over the past issue that we really at first did not want to share since it was so ugly.  And I have to say that as much as we "got it" that the woman who wrote this stuff was obviously disturbed and very angry and a real homophobe, it was nonetheless really upsetting to google our names and to see this trash written about us.  And even though we knew that we had done absolutely nothing wrong, that we had acted with integrity and within the parameters of our rights, it still ate at us and made us feel bad and embarrassed when we saw it online.  And so that's really what it's all about i.e. bullying.  The Nazis did it systemically and people do it all of the are victims, elders can be victims, anyone can be a victim since we all have sites of vulnerability within ourselves.  I think that minorities (lesbians being a minority) and all vulnerable groups (the elderly, kids, people with disabilities, racial and religious minorities, etc.) can be even more vulnerable to attacks and bullying,  and unfortunately that seems to be one of the main tactics used historically to keep minorities "in their place".  Hence the development of the KKK, the Nazis, Rush Limbaugh etc. get the point!  Victimization works by marginalizing people so that groups feel badly about themselves internally, and people are pitted against each other so that we're made to feel separate and can then blame the "other" for whatever is wrong in our lives.
So yes you see it all over the place on a systemic level and of course the systemic sickness always percolates down to the individual level.
So thanks again for your support and keep on clicking and commenting on this blog.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Warm Welcome to my Blog from Diana

Hi to All who wind up on this page,
And I'm assuming at first it will be our loyal friends, and hopefully after some time, others may perchance glance at it and be helped, or interested,  since I believe it is a timely and important subject matter in that I know we are not alone in the internet defamation/harassment that was perpetrated upon us.
As you know (if you know us), or can see by Roberta's previous posts, we have been the victims of hateful, homophobic cyber bullying.
We attempted to get GOOGLE to remove the offending posts, but they refused to do so by saying that people had the right to "free speech" and it wasn't up to them to censor free speech.  I really disagree with the answer that Google gave, since I feel that the blog written by this woman directly is in conflict with Google's so called privacy policy and their policy regarding hate content, as well as adult content.  Well so much for Google!!  For anyone who is interested in doing so, you can send a post to Google and reference the offending blog and file a vote of protest with them.  If enough folks do this, who knows, maybe they'll take a second look.  I will send directions about how to do this (in a separate email), if anyone is interested in writing to Google, which, by the way, we would really appreciate.
But for now, I just wanted to add my voice directly to this, my new blog, and enlist your help in trying to get this blog out to as many folks as possible and ask you to please make direct comments on this blog as much as possible in an effort to counter the negative effects of the offending blog written about me and Roberta.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

An Open Letter to my Friends

An Open Letter To My Friends

Last October, Diana "googled" our names and was shocked and sickened to discover two disgusting, vile and homophobic posts about us written by a very sick person with whom we were briefly in a real estate contract in August 2010.  During the inspection period, we determined that this property did not meet our needs and we therefore legally cancelled the agreement and got back our earnest money.  This person, an obviously very skilled blogger, and a hateful and cowardly person, sought retaliation against us with several anonymous posts on the internet.  For the past year and a half, we have considered various ways to deal with this.  We had an attorney write a letter to google and were informed that "free speech" superseded our rights.  We discussed the situation with reputation management websites and got quotes on interventions.  We sought advice from  several attorneys and honestly, we just hoped that it would all go away.......and it didn't.

I am only now admitting to myself, and now to others, the extent of the pain and suffering that this has caused........shame, humiliation, fear  and impotence - to name a few emotions that have surrounded me. A couple of weeks ago, something shifted for me in a very big way.  I got it that I  had become a classic victim of a bully- in this case a cyberbully. I had become afraid of doing anything, didn't tell or talk about it, and kept hoping that it would just stop. Next, I flashed back to my years as a teacher and remembered how I never tolerated bullying behavior in my classroom; how it was so important for me to find ways to empower the victims and also to help integrate the bully into the classroom in a positive way.......I strived for a win/win for all.  And truthfully, it usually worked. 

And then I got mad, in a good way.  I said to myself and aloud to whomever would listen.  "MY NAME IS ROBERTA TELLER AND I AM A VICTIM NO MORE.  And so, this became the impetus for my new blog.

The main purpose of my blog is to reclaim my name and to tell my story loud and clear.  I hope that if someone googles my name that the disgusting, vile post will be countered with the truth of what happened via my blog.  

And so I am writing to ask your support.  I know that you are very busy and whatever you can do to help, would be much appreciated.  

The more people click on my blog and the more comments that are written,  the more likely it will move to the top of the page when you google my name.  

So, some things to do:

1.  Click on my blog regularly and write comments.  These comments can be about cyber bullying, or you could also make a comment about our integrity i.e. countering the awful blog that was written about us.  Anything along these lines would be greatly appreciated.

2.  Send this e-mail to your friends-those who you think would be willing to help us. 

3.  If you know anyone who has experienced cyberbullying or has legal expertise, please ask them to contact me.  

4.  If you know of any resources around this subject, please feel free to share on my blog

Our Story of Cyber Harassment

We cannot tell you WHY we were cyber bullied-that is something that only the sick person who created these posts can answer,  However, we CAN tell you what happened.  Here is the truth.
In late July/early August of 2010, we were briefly in contract on a property in Mendocino County.  During the inspection period, we did just that; we began the inspection process.  During this period, it became clear to us that this 2 bedroom/2bath home would not work for us for several reasons:
      • When we made the offer, we believed that it woud be within our budget to add on an office or workshop space. We discovered that it would be very expensive to do this and we couldn’t afford it.
      • Upon returning to the home, we realized that it was just too remote and we were concerned that we would feel isolated.
      • The home was relatively new and some of the construction was still outgassing from the toxic building materials that were used.
We cancelled our contract a week after the offer was made, well within the legal time limit.  The sellers signed off on the agreement.
In October 2010, Diana googled our names and discovered these horribles posts.  We were completely shocked, mortified and sickened by what we saw.  At that time, we  were living in a (vacation) rental in Guerneville as we had sold our home in Berkeley at the end of August. Most ot our belongings were in a storage unit in Emeryville, and we still hadn’t found our dream home.  It was a difficult and challenging time by itself and these disgusting blogs added another layer of unrest and stress, to say the least.  So here we were, spending much of our time and almost all of our energy looking for a home; we were feeling dislocated and ungrounded living in this state of limbo; and now, how do we deal with this cyber attack on us?  
We talked to “reputation management” companies and they wanted between $1500 and $1750 each to push these vile posts to pages 3 and 4 on Google.  Our attorney wrote a letter to Google requesting that these posts be removed and our request was rejected under the guise of “free speech.”  We spoke to at least 8 attorneys who basically agreed that it could wind up costing us a lot of money and could stir up the sicko blogger and what would stop her from writing more blogs about us......An attorney friend of ours suggested that we take her to small claims court because she libeled us. 
The truth is we really hoped that it would just go away..........and it never did.  
It’s now almost over a year and a half since these disgusting blogs were posted about us and it is now our time to stop the cycle of (cyber) abuse.  We want to tell our story because we are not alone.  Cyberbullying among children and teens is a growing problem causing terrible injury to innocent young people.  And cyber harassment (that’s adult cyberbullying) has prompted a multimillion dollar reputation management business......what does that tell you? 
At this time, the vile blogs are still there and we are countering with our own blogs.  The story is evolving every day and while we cannot change the past, we can shape the future and maybe make a difference along the way.